Workshop @2016 Conference on Complex Systems
Kreyon@ccs2016: is a full-day satellite workshop of the 2016 Conference on Complex Systems, devoted to the investigation of the determinants of creativity and innovation both in biological and social systems.
The aim of the workshop is to gather scientists from many different disciplines (physics, mathematics, computer science, biology, social sciences, arts, etc.) to address fundamental questions about how people express their creativity and innovate both at the individual and collective levels. Contributions are welcome covering for instance, though not exclusively, modelling schemes, data sciences approach and experiments.
The workshop is organized by the Kreyon Project, funded by the John Templeton Foundation and supported by Sapienza University of Rome, ISI Foundation and CNR-Institute for Complex Systems.
It will be held September 20, 2016 at Beurs Van Berlage, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
The workshop will represent the opportunity to assess where we stand by investigating the determinants of innovation processes and their evolution, progressing in their mathematical modelling, understanding their function and identifying the most thriving contexts (institutions, social organizations, business models, etc.) for creativity and innovation. The workshop will also feature a set of interactive installations and web-based games aimed at engaging participants in “creative” activities (see for instance https://goo.gl/FM4acs).
See the workshop website for submission and further details.