How to pursue creativity
In the frame of the wonderful "Villa del Grumello" on Como Lake, Italy, last week took place the Summer School on "Creativity and evolution. Games, language, robots, life, art". A result of the collaboration with the "Lake Como School of Advanced Studies" and "Fondazione A. Volta", the school hosted several technical and artistic atelier on a heterogeneous ensemble of topics ranging from language to bio-plastic, from robots to rugby.
The Kreyon Project gave its contribution in the organisation of the school and holded a technical atelier on "Foundation of Creativity". During the atelier, students were provided with a set of technical and intellectual tools to face the challenges linked to the analysis and the stimulation of creativity. They were also introduced to the scientific state of art on the topic and to the last outcomes of the research of Kreyon Project.
During the school, students elaborated their own creativity-related projects and the best will be invited to join the Hacking Creativity challenge, giving them the opportunity to win the prize and be guest in Roma for the Kreyon Days!